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Enhanced II

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Aight dudes and dudettes, welcome to the sequel to my first(or second, depending on how you look at it) Minecraft map, Enhanced. Even though the original Enhanced was good, I really tried to make this one better than the last with harder puzzles, better jokes, better lore, better powerups, and overall a longer map. And speaking of lore, this map series does have it, so you should play the first map before this one.

And, speaking of powerups, this map has 6 required powerups, which is as much as the last map, but don't worry, this map is definitely longer, since it has 1 secret powerup that is not required, harder puzzles(which was mentioned earlier), as well as 2 items you can put into the BIOUPGRADER that are not powerups at all.

This map would probably take anywhere from 1-2 hours, depending on your skill level and luck. When I tested the map(yes it was tested, and yes it does work), it took around 30 minutes for me to beat, but I already knew all of the puzzles. If you get stuck at any point, here's the walkthrough.

As for inspirations, this series was inspired by the Legend of Zelda series, as well as slightly the Expand series, the latter of which you can actually find on this website!

Also, if you are a content creator or streamer, feel free to upload this map as a video or stream. It's free content for you and free publicity for me. You don't have to, though, it's just a suggestion. If you do make a video/stream on this map, then please comment about it with the link to the video/stream, and I'll go check it out!

Speaking of content creators, did you know I have a YouTube channel? It's the same name as my username here, PsyKat777. I upload Minecraft content, so please go check it out. That's all I have to say, so have fun with the map!

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2022-05-16 - Map Released.

* Removed the cobbled deepslate from the largest cave.
* Fixed the coordinates for the note.
* Fixed the bug where you could parkour to the key in the starting cave without the jump boost. Though, the last 72 times I've tried to fix this bug, you guys have always managed to find a way to parkour to the key without jump boost, so I'll probably have to fix this again lol.
* Fixed small dialogue error with Stuart

* Made it so you kept your water breathing effect, even if you died.

* Made cave structure more linear by fixing bug where you could get to chest with key without jump boost upgrade.

* Fixed game-breaking bug that made it physically impossible to get past the beginning of the map.
* Made specific puzzle easier
* Fixed potential softlock in savanna

* Changed starting cave structure to make map more linear
* Made some puzzles easier
* Fixed Minerva's dialogue
* Fixed bug where you would get stuck inside of the Bioupgrader

* Removed game-breaking bug where the Silk Sisters would give you blindness after you killed them
* Removed composter from forest village
* Removed manual crafting recipes
* Removed barriers after beginning cave

Map Details

Map Creator: PsyKat777
(33 votes)
Map Version: v1.6
Minecraft Version: 1.18.2
File Size: 10.9 MB
Date Added: 2022-05-16
Downloads: 4,166
Map Category: Puzzle Maps

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