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Explosion Arena

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Detonate your explosive arrows to blast your foes away!


Made for vanilla Minecraft version 1.16.4
Play in adventure mode

Best played with 3-5 friends!
How to play: Download the zip folder, unzip it, then drag it into the saves folder in your .minecraft (located usually in C:/users/username/appdata/roaming, you can also get to the saves folder by going into edit after choosing one of your single-player maps)

Choose a particle effect that will identify you and your arrows.

You spawn with infinite arrows, a knockback stick, a bow, a detonator blaze rod, ender pearls, and 15 seconds of invulnerability.

Hold the detonator stick to detonate all your existing arrows.
You can rocket jump with your arrows to your desired location with your invulnerability!

Ender pearls refill automatically over time.
If you're stuck and need a quick reset, you can drop your blaze rod.

Rare items occasionally spawn in the center and can give you an advantage.

Black hole: Teleports all players to the location of usage

Revealing Egg: All players receive the glowing effect for a short duration on use

Gatling Gun: Spam right click, detonate, win.

Black Arrow: Teleports all existing arrows to the location of the black arrow upon contact with a surface.

Invisibility Potion: Confuse your enemies as you strike.

building: yeastiest a.k.a gahmn
programming: jasontime12345

I hope everyone notices the ton of small details we added to the game that make the experience cleaner :>



2020-12-30 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: jasontime12345
(36 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
File Size: 12 MB
Date Added: 2020-12-30
Downloads: 2,767
Map Category: PVP Maps

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