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Crushed For Time

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Crushed For Time is a speedrun map inspired by Henzoid's x^2 maps, with a few differences here and there. You have 180 seconds to complete 6 different tasks. The game took testers around twenty minutes to an hour to successfully complete, making this the perfect YouTube Video Length map for all you quality content seekers out there.

Contents: Parkour, Copy/Paste, Speedrunner Vs Hunter, Sky Align, Confusing Conveyor, and Keyboard Chaos.

Differences: After completing each puzzle a wool key will be obtained and automatically pilot itself to the center door... so unlike Henzoid and CatCreamYT's maps you don't collect levers. Also, unlike their maps, to reset Crushed For Time you simply drop a barrier from your inventory. In C.F.T. there are fewer walls to constrict your movements- and if you fall into the void you'll simply be dropped back onto the map. Finally, the biggest difference is that the game ends when you complete your last task- not when you open the door (though the door does indeed open).

Thanks to Swaeshy, Daminkon, and BlueStone123 for extensively testing this game for me.

Versions: 1.15.2+ | Optifine: Allowed | Multiplayer: NO | Sounds: Voice Slider | Render Distance: 8 to 13 | Clouds: Off

Gameplay Tips/Hints are scattered around the perimeter of the map. You may have to toggle third-person-view to be able to read them. They are placed this way so you don't accidentally read them if you don't want their help.


2020-10-03 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Spark Games
(40 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.15.2
File Size: 1.7 MB
Date Added: 2020-10-03
Downloads: 2,029
Map Category: Puzzle Maps

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