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The Seven Portals

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This is a find the button map made by iLexie & Omar G4mer which contains many fun find the button Levels.

How to play : There are seven fun stages and you have to find the correct button , some stages are so easy but some are really difficult so I have put hints in the Hint Book so if you give up it will be a good idea to open the hint book.

Challenge yourself and see how many levels you could finish them without hints.

if you want to see my latest map (Mini Map) and my future maps that I will upload soon don`t forget to check my profile (iLexie) and its better to subscribe so you can get notification when i upload a new map.

You are free to record the map and post it on any social media. However You should put map download in the description so other players can reach my map.

I will so glad and happy to see your video about the map, if you upload a video about it. Just put your video URL and I will watch your video.

iLexie Youtube

Omar G4mer Youtube

Planet Minecraft (iLexie)

Any suggestion and feedbacks is very helpful for us!

If you find any problem or have an idea for future map leave it in the comment section down below.



2020-03-07 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: iLexie- Omar G4mer
(84 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.14.4
File Size: 1.8 MB
Date Added: 2020-03-07
Downloads: 6,431
Map Category: Finding Maps

Comments (5)
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Cool map!!! My experience:
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Alos: did you update the Mushroom-Room? There is a button next to the ladders which can not be pressed and the hintbook says something about parkouring on roots?
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Just wanted to add: The small rooms have nice topic and look absolutly gorgeous!
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Hello there,

I just wanted to suggest getting rid of the hint-book. Even thou nobody is forced to use it, it ruined my search because you can not resist to prevent failure. The hints withing the book made the hunt for buttons to easy in my opinion.

You could rename the book "solution-book" to keep a lot of players from spoilering themselves.

A little, comfortable map you created there.
I enjoyed it! :)

Well done,
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Hello! Could I get an additional hint for the 4th requirement of the last level? I do not know what wall you mean although I searched quite everywhere! Or is it a bug or a missing command or something? Please let me know! It's awesome!
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