WARNING! please play with caution because this map contains lots of scary sound effects and jump-scares and I am not responsible for any deaths, heart attacks, and injuries.
"Granny" is a complex and horror game made by D.VLoper The same Creators of Slendrina! This map contains a lot of puzzles for you to solve and you should leave the house before the 5th day when granny chopps your head you ALIVE!
♦It's like the original game but in Minecraft! ♦Be quiet She Hears Everything! ♦Press Shift to Crouch. ♦Use One Item at a time! ♦Granny is a Vindicator. ♦Kill The Endermite To Free Yourself from the bear trap (Endermite) ♦No Opportunity to get a bonus day. ♦Be Careful when using the tools they have specific uses. ♦It may get a little lag!!

2018-04-20 - Map Released.
Granny Update 1.8 (From the Original game) +Added the Spider Cellar +Revamped the Hidden Room +Added 5 new Items to Find! +Added a new way to escape! +Granny has a new "Spider"! -You cannot escape using the Car (This will be added in future updates! :])
Granny Update 1.7 (From Original game) +Added A new way to defend yourself! +Added 2 New Rooms! +Added 1 new Item! +Granny has a new 'Pet'! -You cannot escape! Using the car! (This will be added in future updates! :])
Granny Update 1.5 (From Original game) +Added Slendrina's mom! +Added 2 New Rooms! +Granny Now has a "Pet"! +Added 2 new Items! -You cannot escape! Using the car! (This will be added in future updates! :])