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This is Variety. A map where you can play eight different game modes at any time you want. You can leave levels at any time and go back to them later and start different game modes at different times. You have a lot of freedom and can play at any level at any time. Listed below are the different game modes and the levels that they have.

Maze - (9 Levels)
Parkour - (9 Levels)
Find the Button - (9 Levels)
Puzzle - (9 Levels)
Dropper - (9 Levels)
Trivia - (10 Questions)
Escape - (1 Mansion)
Combat (11 Mobs + 1 Boss)
Variety was inspired by Diversity. I'm sure you can tell even by the names, and I wanted to have a similar idea where in one map you can have access to so many different things. So, about two years ago I started this project and after a couple of months, I just stopped working on it.

Recently, Minecraft started to become more popular and because of this, I decided to come back to this and finish it for good.


2019-08-07 - Map Released.

-Decreased the difficulty of some levels
-"Timed" now uses a scoreboard timer

-Dropper no longer needs 12+ chunks to function! Should work at the minimum 8!
-Removed long intro to the map
-Fixed a couple of misplaced/missing blocks
-Removed Vanilla advancements
-Disabled Player collision (set to "never") and removed 'friendly fire'. Players can't hit each other anymore and their hitboxes are now able to collide.

-Fixed an error where you could not complete the Mob Melody level

-Replaced the Cafeteria with a Reset room. The reset room will completely reset the Escape and Combat game modes!
-Paintings are now unbreakable by players
-Fixed some command block issues where "@p" was used instead of "@a"
-Now some levels will not be affected if a player sets their spawn point at a bed
-Fixed an error where the "Empty the Cauldron" level would reset with different items than it originally started with
-Two trivia punishments were adjusted
-Added labels for the monuments in the Monument Room
-Very slightly decreased the difficulty of "The Stronghold"
-Removed the hole in the floor of the Dropper lobby
-Spelling/Grammar errors
-Changed the beginning interaction with Game slightly to include Diversity, the map, and the creator.

-Added kill wither to Combat reset
-Fixed Grammar/Spelling errors
-Used structure voids to block water in the "Twenty Seconds" level, replacing the /fill air commands

-Removed some extra map files

-Timer in "Timed" has been changed to better support multiplayer and is now accurate (before it was 2 seconds off)
-"Memorize It" now will not let players leave a question room until they answer it. This is to avoid people going back into the room to find the details they needed to memorize.
-The features in "The End" have now been changed to affect all players.
-More paintings were made invulnerable
-The buttons for the Combat and Escape resets are removed when its game mode is completed
-Fixed a small grammar error
-The map title (shown in the worlds tab) has been changed to be colorful and say: "Variety by FatalVortex"

-Fixed an error where the first question room in "Memorize It" did not seal off in multiplayer

-Fixed the Piston Puzzle II reset so that all blocks would consistently be replaced when the reset button is pressed.
-Fixed an error where the Combat section did not unlock the door leading to the room where you complete it.
-The "Twenty Seconds" spawn point now works along with the title and subtitle for that level
-Fixed an error where the "Two Ways Down" lever did not do anything when pulled.
-Covered up a one-block hole in "The Mob Melody" room that was visible on the way to the treasure room
-Players can no longer hear the "Escape" shower/bath noises in other parts of the map
-Decreased the difficulty of “Potion Effects” to fit the “Simple” rating
-Prevented the acacia saplings from growing in the "Trivia" section, specifically the question involving the height of acacia saplings.

-Fixed the Piston Puzzle II reset so that all blocks would consistently be replaced when the reset button is pressed.
-Fixed an error where the Combat section did not unlock the door leading to the room where you complete it.
-The "Twenty Seconds" spawn point now works along with the title and subtitle for that level
-Fixed an error where the "Two Ways Down" lever did not do anything when pulled.
-Covered up a one-block hole in "The Mob Melody" room that was visible on the way to the treasure room
-Players can no longer hear the "Escape" shower/bath noises in other parts of the map
-Decreased the difficulty of “Potion Effects” to fit the “Simple” rating
-Prevented the acacia saplings from growing in the "Trivia" section, specifically the question involving the height of acacia saplings.



Map Details

Map Creator: FatalVortex
(292 votes)
Map Version: v1.7.5
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
File Size: 56 MB
Date Added: 2019-08-07
Downloads: 28,681
Map Category: Variety Maps

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