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Survive Oldvale

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  • The maps saying "Monitor 1: No input signal" are TV- or computer screens. 
  • All the other maps showing signs are made by me in an exact chunk.
  • No texture or resource pack necessary.
  • Do not re-upload this map elsewhere. Only available here and on my own page.
  • The apocalyptic version of Port Vance is replaced by this map.

Following the outbreak in Brode, Oldvale is the next town up for the horrors created by the virus VDX-12B. However, a couple of things have changed since then. I have left less loot for you, made the best loot harder to obtain and certain places are filled with zombies to give you a challenge. (Stay away from the highway tunnel at night, it's hard enough at daytime.)

The city and rural areas will offer you the chance to loot, explore and survive in unforgiving surroundings. You'll find notes from previous survivors, which may help you locate special places or items. There are a couple of surprises as well. Some of the features in the map is:

  • School
  • Emergency Services
  • Antenna
  • Shops
  • Church
  • Town Hall
  • Highway
  • Residential Area
  • Train Station
  • Gas Station
  • Farm
  • NPC trading area

All buildings are fully furnished, and the level of detail high. So, I hope you enjoy the map! If you want to see a certain feature/building in the next version, leave a comment! Good luck. 


2018-03-22 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Eivisxp
(524 votes)
Map Version: v2.0
Minecraft Version: 1.12
File Size: 156MB
Date Added: 2018-03-22
Downloads: 26,275
Map Category: Survival Maps

Comments (44)
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where the npcs at
John Doe
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hello builders of this version of oldvale your project is beautiful but i am going to make a zombie apocalypes video on this map. This map is great has furnished building i was tried looking for maps for 1.12.2 zobie apocalyptic maps
thanks to this map that I was able compelete that seach with this map. I also wanted to ask that will features like trades and els would be disabled if the comand block are switch off also because that would be great i would also post the video on youtube the link will be given after the video is posted thank you please reply on the feature question plz and plz reply me as dj the video will be in hindi but sorry thanks for the map
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Hello, this is the best map of Oldvale, I am totally grateful, thank you very much for the map <3
5 out of 5 stars definitely!!!
A person
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The best map <3 thanks.
A people
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I used this map to challenge my friends and it was SOOOO worth it! Amazing map, EIVISXP, amazing!
5 out of 5 stars!
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This is so good
Joules Ion
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who is david and karen i kept getting a chat log from them and when i found the source, it said digital echo nearby? i am so confused i went to the radio antenna and found a bed and crafting table. is there a radio station somewhere on the map?
By password

Im having the same problem
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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
i totally finished the survival part of this map, i was just running around killing mobs and i ended up fixing the entire map for fun, like rebuilding the houses and stuff. amazing map though and the storylines were deep.
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who is david and karen i kept getting a chat log from them and when i found the source, it said digital echo nearby? i am so confused i went to the radio antenna and found a bed and crafting table. is there a radio station somewhere on the map?
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I really liked this map. the builds are excellent but it really needs more of a backstory. i mean, i just start the game in some bunker. was it a safety bunker and you were the only person to make it? did scaldon stat this thing in the first place? there also needs survivors who would give you quests for rare loot. i just need a main goal and many side quests to make the game better. but the builds were really good. Nice job! just make more npcs and more backstory of who you are. i wish to see future updates!
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Hey, I was just wondering what gamemode the map is in.
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the map is great! even better when i found out there was rebuilt version. i recommend in future updates adding more story line to it, and even quests from NPCs. a military base and some abandoned survivor camps would do nice too. everything is great, just needs more backstory and story line
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Um, so in the water under the farm house in the flooded basement, there is a book that talks about Dan knowing a safe place for Laura & him in Edwards house underneath the ladder in the residential area. Does anyone know
A: Where the residential area is?
B: Where Edwards house is?
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Hey, does this map have Unique-ly named items or such? Because Im making a resource pack for this map, but I dont want any named-item to cause problem.
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Hey dude, can i use your map to make another map from it?

I would like an answer

By Ice_T

Thats fine! I'd appreciate it if you posted/left the link for it somewhere!
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Hey, creators of survival oddvale,

Can i use your map to make another map? i just need a few things..
Hopefully you'll respond

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Hey dude, can i use your map to make another map from it?

I would like an answer

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Nevermind the alarm comment, I found the button but when I pushed it, I only got the text but the alarm didn't turn off. Went into creative and dug into the redstone circuit. Apparerently the piston didn't do what it was supposed do and didn't turn off the sound. Back to playing this beautiful map now.
By Gianni

Thanks for mentioning that issue! Fixed it for the upcoming version!
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Nevermind the alarm comment, I found the button but when I pushed it, I only got the text but the alarm didn't turn off. Went into creative and dug into the redstone circuit. Apparerently the piston didn't do what it was supposed do and didn't turn off the sound. Back to playing this beautiful map now.
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Dude, how do I turn off the alarm at the grocery store? I read one of your previous comments saying something about a switch, but there's not a single switch to be found in or around the shop and this thing is seriously ****** me off because it's making my whole game lag like crazy.
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I had a great time! I love exploring and finding new stuff and just being a scavenger and then trying to just survive :D Keep at it I hope you add more stuff or make more maps like this ^.^
By KiteaKat713

I'm glad you enjoyed the map! The next update is right around the corner :D
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I had a great time! I love exploring and finding new stuff and just being a scavenger and then trying to just survive :D Keep at it I hope you add more stuff or make more maps like this ^.^
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I love the map and the great detail
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Hey, have a weird bug in this map when it has some constant ringing player sound. Anyone experienced this? Only for this map. My others are all fine. It's just this continuous ringing ringing sound over and over.

Apparently it's under "Player" sounds in the settings. Any help?
By Glenno

You have triggered an alarm in one of the stores. It's the grocery or the electronic store. Look for a switch right above ground level to turn it off!
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Hey, have a weird bug in this map when it has some constant ringing player sound. Anyone experienced this? Only for this map. My others are all fine. It's just this continuous ringing ringing sound over and over.

Apparently it's under "Player" sounds in the settings. Any help?
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Why do you say 1.12 if it is 1.12.2? just asking
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Depends... Some players like to create their own builds. Hard to do that in adventure :P
By Eivisxp

...... Hey is this map based off your other map oldvale? the city
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That better to set gamemode adventure, not survivial
By Ruslan

Depends... Some players like to create their own builds. Hard to do that in adventure :P
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I have been waiting for another post apocalyptic map for months, and I can say without shame that I was really excited when I saw this. The map looks great, and there's really not much to say other than I was very impressed; again. I have played Survive Brode and loved it, and I don't know what the plans are for this map, but I hope you're thinking of updating this, adding more to it and expanding it.
By Salem

Great feedback, thank you! I am currently working on the next expansion, both for the city and survival map! The next update will include a cargo port and some other, undecided features!
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