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The Towers 2020

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This map requires Snapshot 20w14a (Minecraft 1.16)

Map Info

Hello everyone !

You must know the popular map The Towers ? To summarize, it's a PVP map where two teams fight above the void in bases filled with stuff, separated by towers in the center where iron ingots appear. Their goal is to score 10 points by going into the "Pool" of the enemy base which is located just above their spawn, the last compatible version is 1.8.

So I decided to recreate the map but with the functionality of the 1.16 !


  • The goal is to score a maximum of points in the enemy pool, the number of points is configurable before the launch of the game.
  • The maximum game time is also configurable, from 30 minutes to 4 hours, when the time is up, the team that has scored the most points wins. Ties are possible.

Architecture :

  • The bases are on 3 levels linked by stairs in many locations, making everything quite labyrinthine.
  • The pool is accessible by two different paths, which gives two ways to defend.
  • Right next to the spawn, you have two terracotta platforms which give you a jump boost to directly join the ways at the right or left in a jump, very useful against assailants.
  • The whole section of the players spawn and the main double chests are strongly protected : If an enemy tries to enter it, he will receive instant damage, and any TNT, ghast fireball, creeper or TNT minecart which enters it is instantly destroyed.
  • The two base spawns are at a distance of exactly 200 blocks.

Resources available at the bases:

  • At the start of the game and each time you die, you receive P2 leather armor, 15 glass blocks of your color and 5 baked potatoes.
  • You have a total of 4 double chests and 16 single chests all over your base, with very, very diversified stuff. The items of the latest versions have of course been added: Blocks of honey, scaffolding, tridents, totems of immortality etc...
  • Many personalized objects have also been added : A potion which makes invisible without particles but which gives the blindness effect, a turtle shell which slows you down but by adding hearts to you, a kockback hoe which doubles your move speed, a golden shovel that can fire a ghast fireball every 45 seconds, a sword which doubles the attack damage of the player and gives him resistance if his team have a score lower than the enemy team, discs that you can drop to the ground to create invisible traps that catch enemies who pass nearby, and many others !

Ores spawn:

  • Iron ores blocks appears in abundance, and you can also find gold, diamonds and even netherite !
  • An Ender Chest is in the center, you can also find another one in a chest of your base.

Other game mechanics:

All these mechanics can be configured before the game launching.

  • Back Cookies: Each time a point is scored, all players receive a Back Cookie. The Back Cookie is a very effective way to quickly return to your base no matter where you are, you just need to eat it or drop it to be teleported to your spawn in the next 5 seconds (unable to move or deal damage during this period). It only works if you are not in the air, do not hope to use it to survive a fall in the void !
  • At the beginning of the game takes place a preparation phase, during this period the towers in the middle are inaccessible to you, you can start to create a bridge but only a short distance before being teleported to your spawn. Any projectile near the middle is destroyed.
  • At each point, the losing team receives a temporary immunity, during this period the team that attacked cannot score more points.

Launch of the game:

  • On your arrival, you will have to follow a path with an explanation of the elements of the map and where you will also have access to many configuration panels. You can choose your team, and at the end of the path will be the starting point of the game with a jump to wait.
  • To start the game, there must be at least one player on each team and all players must have declared themselves ready.

Other informationS:

  • The current map version is 1.2, it will probably not be the last version of the map, I will probably modify certain elements according to your feedback, or add some.
  • The version is Snapshot 20w14a.
    Obviously, the map will be adapted in 1.16 when the official version is released.
  • The map works entirely with a datapack, you don't even need to activate the command blocks to play it!
  • Number of players advised: 6 to 10
    The bases being quite large, I think 4v4 would be ideal. The map isn't going to keep you from playing 1v1 or 2v2 if you want, but it's probably not the funniest way.

Thank you for reading, I look forward to your opinions! ^^




2020-04-10 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Maniacobra
(188 votes)
Map Version: v1.2
Minecraft Version: 1.16
File Size: 17.7 MB
Date Added: 2020-04-10
Downloads: 7,743
Map Category: PVP Maps

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