In the sequel to the groundbreaking Fireball PvP and the revolutionary Fireball PvP 2: Vertical Warfare there are tons of new features sure to keep anyone having a blast!
NOTE: If you like 1.9, too bad for you. This is not compatable with 1.9. It won't work. So sorry! But seriously though, it's worth switching back...
- M4, that rapid fires non-explosive snowballs that are 100% accurate to the cursor!
- NEW: Spas-12, A shotgun that deals damage to players even if the Fireball doesn't hit them! That's right, if the fireball passes by an enemy they will get dealt damage! But just like a shotgun it has a limited range of around 6-7 blocks!
- Frag Grenade, A Grenade that blows up upon impact with a surface or player! But don't rely on it, Sometimes a dud is thrown!
- NEW: Flash Bang! Blinds the enemy in total darkness for up to 5 seconds!
- Knife And Police Stick, Melee weapons that deals damage in the usual fashion.
- NEW: Suicide bomb (Terrorist class only). right click the detonator on the ground to blow you and any one near you to kingdom come!
- ALL weapons have awesome custom textures!
NEW: 3 Different Gamemodes!
- Team Deathmatch: There are two teams: Blue and Yellow. Each team has 5, 10, 15 (default), or 20 lives (This is a setting that can be changed). Once a team loses all it's lives, it's game over and the other team wins.
- NEW: V.I.P. gamemode: In this gamemode, both teams have a V.I.P.. Once the V.I.P. dies, that team loses! So protect your vip! And if you are the vip, don't go for enemies! You are best suited to run away and try to stay alive.
- NEW: Juggernaut gamemode info: A random player is chosen as the juggernaut. If the juggernaut is killed, a random player is chosen to be the new juggernaut. This means that sometimes a player is the juggernaut twice in a row. Team Blue tries to kill the juggernaut. The juggernaut tries to kill Team Blue to deplete their life count. Once team blue looses all it's lives (setable at 5, 10, 15, or 20), its game over and the juggernaut wins!
5 Cool classes for Team Deathmatch and V.I.P.!
- S.W.A.T. member: Spas 12 with 12 Shells. 1x M4 Clip. 3x Flash Bangs. Police Stick
- Army Ranger: 3x M4 clips. 4x Frag Grenades. 2x Flashbangs
- Milita: Spas 12 with 24 Shells, 1x Frag Grenades, Knife. *Has less armor*
- Sapper: Half depleted M4 (16 shots). 12 Frag grenades. 15 Flash Bangs.
- Terrorist (Team Deathmatch Only; Not for V.I.P.): Knife and Suicide bomb
- Team Blue Custom Class for Juggernaut Gamemode that can have any of the weapons shown above (barring Suicide bomb)
- Juggernaut gamemode team Blue Default class: 1x M4 mag (30 rounds), Spas-12 (With 5 shells), 1 Frag Grenade, 1 Flash bang
- The ability to make the Juggernaut have from 10 to 18 hearts!
These cool lobby settings!
- Seperate pre-game and during-game lobbies!
- The ability to disable a class pre-game
- Has the link to textures in-game, so you dont have to spend 1243545343 hours sending your friends the textures!
- Has tips and tricks in game!
- The ability to set the number of lives per team (Team Deathmatch) or lives per Blue Team (Juggernaut) from 5 to 20!
- The ability to reset the game in-game to eliminate lag spikes! (This can be abused some times if you have "unruly" players. To fix this, just switch to creative and remove the button)
- The game automatically resets once a game ends!
Have fun! As always, Make sure to leave any feedback you may have! (This is nice man talk for "COME BACK HERE AND GIVE ME USELESS PRAIISSEEEE!!!")
P.S.: Make sure to check out my Adventure map, The Original Fireball PvP, and Fireball PvP 2: Vertical Warfare!

2016-04-04 - Map Released.