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Box Escape

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This map is a short puzzle map where you are trapped in a small box and you have to escape. To escape the box you have to complete different puzzles that are made by only using redstone. Only command blocks that this map has are used for the lobby and to teleport you in and out of the box. Everything else is made with redstone.

This map supports multiplayer but in my opinion even 2 players is too much because you have very limited space.

This map takes about 10 minutes to complete.



  1. 1. Don't try to cheat unless you are very good at redstone
  2. 2. Stay in gamemode 2 (unless you are going to cheat)
  3. 3. Don't spam any buttons or you may have to reset the map


This map was made by WEPI
Email: [email protected]



2018-03-24 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: WEPI
(33 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
File Size: 961 KB
Date Added: 2018-03-24
Downloads: 2,232
Map Category: Puzzle Maps

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