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1.16.5 - 1.17.1 ( java edition )
Multiplayer & Solo
Size: 88 MB

Anterior versions :
(1.16.5) - Download
(1.17) - Download


Welcome on OnlyElytra.
As its name suggests, this is a parkour map in elytra only.
Complete all 8 levels to complete the map.
The difficulty of each level is indicated in front of their respective portal in the lobby.
A stopwatch measures your time which will be given to you after completing the 8 levels in the order you want.

-Do not change your gamemode.
-Do not practice a level with several players at the same time (does not crash the map, but avoid).
-Set your render distance to 8 minimum (client and server).
-If you land on the ground inside a parkour, the map will not kill you on its own.
Return to the starting point by equipping your suicide helmet.
-Disable fog.
-Set to maximum the entity render distance.

-Press Start on the last page of the book at spawn.

The spawn as well as the parkours were build and set by Team Nawak
Sadoron (commands, parkour) Jah (helper, tester) Samoth151 (helper, tester)


Bienvenue sur OnlyElytra.
Comme son nom l'indique, il s'agit d'une map de parkour en elytra uniquement.
Complétez les 8 niveaux pour terminer la map.
La difficulté de chaque niveau est indiqué devant leur portail respectif dans le lobby.
Un chronomètre mesure votre temps qui vous sera donné après avoir complété les 8 niveaux dans l'ordre que vous voulez.

-Ne pas changer votre gamemode.
-Ne pas pratiquer un niveau à plusieurs joueurs en même temps (ne fait pas planter la map, mais à évitez).
-Mettre votre render distance à 8 minimum (client et serveur).
-Si vous atterissez au sol à l'intérieur d'un parkour, la map ne vous tuera pas d'elle même.
Revenez au point de départ en équipant votre chapeau suicide.
-Desactiver le brouillard (fog).
-Augmenter au maximum la distance d'affichage des entités.

-Appuyer sur Start à la dernière page du livre au spawn.

Le spawn ainsi que les parcours ont été réalisé par la Team Nawak
Sadoron (commands,parkour) Jah (helper,tester) Samoth151 (helper,tester)

This map is a compilation of 8 builders maps of which here is the list:
Cette map est une compilation de 8 maps de builders dont voici la liste:
Level 1: Santiago de Compostela by Roi_Louis
Level 2: The Sky City ok Athalux by EternalDawn
Level 3: Atropos by Carloooo
Level 4: Fantasy Castle by MonkeyElite
Level 5: Elvenking Thranduil's Halls by Scinphter
Level 6: The Nether - In The Trees by Burritoos
Level 7: Lethe by LordGuntaz
Level 8: 2B2T Space Valkyria 3 by Jacktherippa

Special credits for some youtubers who makes feedback: Stemister, AmirKaká, TheHappywheels1

A big thanks for all the builders who makes crazy build. I repeat one time this: we do not have build any of the constructions in the 8 levels, we just maked a parkour inside ;) Feel free to do what you want with this map: copy, make shematics, republish...etc BUT make sure you give proper credits at correct creators. Thank you.


The map has been update for 1.17.1 minecraft java edition. The signalisation has been improved as well.



2021-07-18 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Team Nawak
(266 votes)
Map Version: v4.0
Minecraft Version: 1.17.1
File Size: 88 MB
Date Added: 2021-07-18
Downloads: 37,387
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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