Welcome to Adventure Islands! This Parkour Map is a Pretty Big Map That Contains 30 Levels and is Worth 60+ Minutes of Gameplay on an Average Run. Please Come Check it out :D
- + On This Map You'll have to Parkour through 30 Different Fun themed Islands!.
- + Difficulty Can Be Both Challenging and Easy Depending on your Skills!.
- + Play Time = An Average First Run should be around 60+ minutes. But of course If you try to Play a few more times, you can get so much Faster Time than that!...
- + Version must only be on 1.17+, and can't be played below 1.16.5.
- + Map is Multiplayer free and can be played with your friends, just please make sure that Command Blocks are On :D (Caution: Servers with a Very Bad Ping has high chances of causing bugs)
I Hope you Enjoy!

2021-06-19 - Map Released.
v1.3: +Fixed/added some Things on the Map for a better Experience.