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Pirates Hide and Seek

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This is a classic hide and seek game but on a pirate ship and with custom powerups and features.

Here's how to the game works: You’re on either the hiding or seeking team, hiders spawn on a pirate ship and have 10-50 seconds to hide while seekers have to wait. If the timer runs out and there's still hiders left, hiders will win. If all hiders got found seekers will win.

This map is also available on Minecraft realms.

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Invisibility powerup

Curse altar - Curse all seekers!

  • When activated with a curse pearl, it gives seekers negative effects. Curse pearls can be found from pearl safes.
  • There are 3 pearl safes located on the map. Every round a pearl spawns randomly at one of those locations. Note that pearls can be only be stolen by hiders. Pearl will respawn if hider with a pearl gets found
  • Negative effects: Slowness X 30 seconds, Nausea 20 seconds, Blindness 2 seconds.

Powerups - Powerups work for both teams but can have slight differences. Powerups can also be disabled from settings.

  • Fireworks

Hider: When used. Removes 10 seconds from time.

Seeker: When used. Adds 10 seconds to time + glowing for few seconds.

  • Invisibility

Both teams: Invisibility effect for 10 seconds.

  • Punch bow

Hider: Punch 5 bow

Seeker: Punch 5 bow, can be used to catch hiders.

  • Speed

Both teams: Speed effect for 10 seconds when dropped.



2018-11-16 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: iWacky external
(192 votes)
Map Version: v1.1.3
Minecraft Version: 1.13.2
File Size: 7.2 MB
Date Added: 2018-11-16
Downloads: 27,248
Map Category: Hide and Seek Maps

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