Welcome to Sky Scapers! (1.17+) Soar through the sky, or fire beams at your friends in a fast-paced elytra-based minigame! Version: [1.2.2]
This map can support any number of players! (1+)
To start, players are divided into two teams - Seekers or Scapers. The objective of the Seekers is to knock down all of the other players using an instant-fire wand, while the objective of the Scapers is to soar through a large environment and survive the onslaught.
There are 3 different game modes available for playing:
Classic Mode - (2+) > (1) Seeker, (1+) Scapers > The Seeker’s goal is to eliminate the Scapers flying around the arena. > The Scapers' goal is to fly through a variable number of targets before being eliminated by the Seekers.
Target Shootout - (1+) > (1+) Seeker > The objective is to eliminate as many targets within the time period as possible. > There are 6 different types of targets, each corresponding to a different number of points. > Score: Total targets destroyed. > Not recommended for large numbers of players...
Sky Snipers - (2+) > (2+) Scapers > The objective is to eliminate the other Scapers in a fast-paced free-for-all.
Lobby Features: > Tutorial Cave: Browse the walls and learn about the game’s basic objectives! Read about Powerups! > 3 Maps! Classic Cave Nature Nest Crystal Cavern > Settings Customize each of the game modes by changing values of time, targets, etc. > An “anyone-can-ready-up” start system Can be disabled by admin mode, see below. > Cosmetics! Animated Hats Particles Custom Wands > Target Practice: Test out your sniping skills by breaking targets. Stand within the designated zone to activate. > Admin Mode: Administrative use ONLY! Gives those with admin: Preference for team selection in Classic Mode. Sole ability to start and stop games. Sole ability to choose game modes. Ability to remove non-admins from settings Sole ability to choose the map To grant a user Admin Mode, /tag add admin To remove Admin, /tag remove admin
Game Features: > Custom Models! Wands Powerups Targets Other fun surprises… > Powerups Fly through a powerup to activate it. Learn about each powerup’s use and game modes in the Tutorial Cave. > Data board Keep track of certain values about previous rounds!
Classic Mode - Saves previous game duration and Seeker.
Target Shootout - Saves highest score.
Sky Snipers - Saves previous winner.
Please report any (if any) bugs in the comments below! We always strive to make the map the best it can be, and appreciate all feedback!
Sky Scapers v1.2.2 (7/22/2021)
Compatibility > Map is updated to support Minecraft 1.17 > All /replaceitem commands are now /item
Sky Scapers v1.2.1:
Changed: > Classic Mode - Scapers have been given an objective - If the scapers fly through a variable number of targets before the seeker(s) eliminates them, they win instead - Documents last seeker (if only one) and total duration of the previous game > Target Shootout - Changed the entirety of target mode - 6 different targets corresponding to 6 different point distributions - Red target: +1 point - Green target: +2 points - Blue target: +5 points - Black target: -3 points - Yellow target: x2 points - Poison target: Slower cooldown - Targets spawn in respect to time, no longer with respect to how many exist - First half: 1 per second - Second half: 2 per second - Last 1/6th: 4 per second - Certain targets move - Customizable amount of time for target mode (1-5 minutes) - Documents high score per time (5 different slots) > Sky Snipers - Documents the previous winner - Spectator "quality of life change:" moved unnecessary armor stand from the center of the map > Target models - Replaced slime target texture with 6 different colored target models > High scores area - Replaced with "data" area > Target Practice - Changed targets to new models > Tutorial Cave images - Replaced with images with correct grammar and spelling > Settings - Classic mode: added "number of targets" option - Target shootout: replaced "number of targets" with "duration of game" > Cooldown no longer has cyan glass pane as one of the items > Ending a round defaults everyone (besides spectators) to scapers team
Removed: > Logo that appeared in "pregame" countdown > Slime target texture
Fixed: > Text - "Descriptions are Available for each Gamemode in the Lobby" --> "Descriptions are available for each gamemode in the lobby" - "Right-Click" --> "Right-click" - "Please Wait" --> "Please wait" - "Right-Click Firework Rockets for Elytra Boosts!" --> "Right-click firework rockets for elytra boosts!" > Playsounds not operating in target mode > Wands would remove snowballs before reaching them > Spectators experience the same "pregame" and "endgame" sequences as the other players > Joining mid-game no longer resets the player as a spectator - Puts them on scapers team > Clears elytra and the 4th hotbar slot from all joining players who left mid-round on a prior round > Lack of stragety for shooting in Target Mode - Added a cooldown system > Particles to the settings room were not visible unless directly above the teleport hole
Added: > 2 NEW MAPS! - Nature Nest - Crystal Cavern > 6 target models - Red - Green - Blue - Yellow - Black - Poison > Gamemode changes > Data of previous winner of sky snipers
Sky Scapers v1.1.1 (11/20/2020)
Fixed: > Target Practice - Targets now are destroyed upon being hit
Sky Scapers v1.1 (11/18/2020)
Added: > Settings - Modify the gamemodes based on user preference - Includes: - Classic Mode - Number of seekers - State of powerups - Number of lives - Target Shootout - Number of targets - Sky Snipers - State of powerups - Number of lives - Settings can be found in the tutorial cave using the appropriate "Settings" teleport zone - Note: Changing settings will prevent high scores from being set!
Changed: > Radius of effect of the wand towards targets - Reduced from 3 blocks to 1 > Method of determining invalid high scores - Now based off of decreasing life system rather than count of total persons at end of game - Ensures that spectators "rage-quitting" will not invalidate a high score > High scores in Classic Mode are multiplied by 100 - Ensures for more precise scores
Fixed: > Classic Mode bug with admins allowing for multiple seekers - If people with "admin" tag now request to all be on scapers, it will not trigger a bug where all participants queued to be seekers will be put on that team. > Bugged health attribute - Respawning sometimes allowed for scapers to have 10 full hearts - Now respawning will always limit the scaper's health to 9 hearts > Team assignment particles were visible to everyone - Now they are only visible to the individual player

2020-10-27 - Map Released.