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Made by MinecraftDoodler, a305900 and OliverPlayz_YT.

You are in a place with white rooms with cyan stripes on the walls. You are trying to get out of the place with white rooms with cyan stripes on the walls, but you are having trouble finding a way out of the white rooms with cyan stripes on the walls...

if you've ever wanted to be an experiment, but not an experiment. Do you want to escape, like, sort of? Search through individually designed rooms. Like REALLY, REALLY...kinda good rooms. Then, well... this is a map that, like, has this stuff.

Notes: this is my first real map released to the public and first ever map released on this website... so please don't be too hard about the quality...




2017-06-28 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: MinecraftDoodler
(64 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.12
File Size: 456 KB
Date Added: 2017-06-28
Downloads: 2,473
Map Category: Finding Maps

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