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Map Info

This is a small puzzle/CTM map (Complete The Monument).

There are three islands on which you'll need to craft a certain block. Show your Minecraft knowledge and complete this map!

This map takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.

1st level: Magenta, Mushroom. Create a magenta stained clay block! (Medium)
2nd level: Lime, Cave. Create a lime stained clay block! (Medium)
3rd level: Red, Nether. Create a red stained clay block! (Easy)

When you have completed all levels, the map 'Zinfador' is complete!

When recording for YouTube, please put a link to my channel, and my name (Simph).

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2015-12-24 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Simph
(65 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.8
File Size: 435 KB
Date Added: 2015-12-24
Downloads: 3,740
Map Category: CTM Maps

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Site Stats

Maps: 5,941

Categories: 25

Downloads: 123,363,996