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The Lost Treasure

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The big storm crushed your pirate ship near the mysterious island. You are the only one who survived.

Escape the sinking ship and explore these strange shores.

Seek for the answers what happened before on this island and try to find the only real pirate dream - the Lost Treasure.


The Lost Treasure - by Bezar - Teaser
The Lost Treasure - by Bezar - Trailer
The Lost Treasure - by Bezar - Gameplay - Gameplay video can help you when you are stuck. There is FAST FORWARD section in description under the video so you can choose the part of the video you need!


  • Singleplayer.
  • You beat the game only when you find the chest named “The Lost Treasure”.


  • Opening inventory (“E”) and holding cursor over the item sometimes can give you more information about that item.
  • Carefully read all the books you find because they reveal the story and can help you where to go next.
  • The Pirate Map (screenshot section below) shows where to go next if you are lost and use it only if the books haven’t helped you, the map does not reveal all map destinations (it is just some help from the start of the game).
  • Keep your items, maybe some of them you will need later, you can drop some unnecessary food or some stones (at the certain time dropping items can help crossing the obstacle).


  • Difficulty - at least EASY.
  • Render distance - MIN 8 (normal).
  • Dynamic lights (optional) - FANCY (torch can help illuminating everything around player when held in hand in the night or dark place).


  • Resource packs - Any resource pack with realistic sky (recommended: Clouds-OFF, Stars-OFF).
  • Shaders - Chocapic13v6 (recommended: Clear water-OFF).
  • Skin - Pirate (choose one you like).


  • Have you enjoyed the map (this is my first map to post public and I would like to hear your opinion).
  • How many Easter Eggs you have found and which one.
  • What the next map should be about (I have already 3 maps in beta stage: The Golden Apple, Interstellar and The Cursed Train, trailers will be released soon).




2017-10-17 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Bezar
(816 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
File Size: 4 MB
Date Added: 2017-10-17
Downloads: 14,645
Map Category: Adventure Maps

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