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King Sigurd's Castle

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Across the continent rings the story of King Sigurd, a legendary King and Dragon Slayer and his golden sword that tore through flesh like paper. You, adventurer, have decided to take this sword for yourself. With relics gathered from across the world, you set off to the Castle of King Sigurd, prepared to tear through the castle like an arrow does the air. What dangers will you find, and more importantly... will you succeed?

This is a short adventure map which is based heavily on combat. Your job is to find the sword of King Sigurd while avoiding death at all costs. Though you are there for only one sword, a plethora of loot decorates the castle for you to take and use on your mission.

The map is intended to be difficult, but not impossible to complete without dying. It has been heavily play-tested by several people, so rest assured it is not impossible.

Also take note, this map is a small portion of a VASTLY larger map which is in development, which can be seen below. This map is designed to be incredible on its own, while showing off a few features of an even better map that is to come. I hope you enjoy!

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lentebriesje and his Tree Repositories: Link 1, Link 2

The developers of World Painter for making World Painter

Sethbling for designing BlingEdit



2020-02-01 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: The Revenant
(90 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.14.4
File Size: 14.9 MB
Date Added: 2020-02-01
Downloads: 4,364
Map Category: Adventure Maps

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