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DELTA 2160

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Map Info

An open world Cyberpunk post apocalyptic RPG adventure map with implemented vanilla shaders, dialogue system, custom weapons by thebradqq and vehicles by Antoha256.

Choose who you will become and begin to plunge into a dark future, that can only be illuminated by an asteroid that will soon fall on planet earth...

Intense shootouts, fast cars, and a huge open world with its own corporations, characters and history await you.

Map supports multiplayer up to 3 players (Aternos not supported)
Make sure to play only on "Fabulous!" graphics settings
Recommended settings:
-Play with OptiFine
-Render distance in between 10-20 chunks
-Turn on all in-game sounds, including music
-Disable item glint in settings
Multiplayer settings:
-Give everyone Operator role
-Enable command blocks
-Make sure everyone have resourcepack installed
-Starting coordinates are: 245 72 -290
If your computer can't handle "Fabulous!" Graphics settings, or if you want to play with another shaderpack, download standalone resourcepack from our Discord, or delete "shaders" folder from
If using OptiFine, enable fog and set trees quality to fancy.
You can download resourcepack for multiplayer in our Discord server



2024-03-20 - Map Released.

-New weapons
-Subway stations
-More Centaur Dens
-Time machine ending reward (vehicle)
-More enterable places after impact
-More NPCs you can talk with
-Few more easter eggs

-Multiplayer crashes

-Scavenger starting location
-Now you can sell multiple Centaur eggs
-More details across the world

Map Details

Map Creator: LGSC team
(272 votes)
Map Version: v1.1
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
File Size: 490 MB
Date Added: 2024-03-20
Downloads: 12,150
Map Category: Adventure Maps

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Site Stats

Maps: 5,942

Categories: 25

Downloads: 123,565,146