Prologue: A evil has ravaged the lands through bloodshed, war, and fear for hundreds of years. Civilizations have crumbled, innocent people have suffered, and the people are looking for a savior.
Begin your journey: You awaken with nothing and you are only accompanied by a voice speaking to you. Learn what your true purpose is, save what is almost lost and remember you have no time to waste and to follow the lights.
The large world is based on the classic Adventure Map format: Immerse yourself in the story, kill many enemies and bosses, travel the world, and most importantly find loot.
- Two endings
- Training section(s)
- Nine map regions / sections
- 5 Boss Fights
- Lots of hidden treasure
- Multiplayer: No player limit, other than loot constraint(s)
- Unique enemies
- Parkour
- Difficulty selection
Map Creator:
To these people, who have tested the map.
- SeanAA
- FestiveMedico
- Giantjak24
- NickTheDroid
- OpalDel
- Darkenedrose17
- MRBlack9869
- Commands blocks: ON
- Loud volume
- Minecraft 1.16.4 OR Minecraft 1.16.5
- Render Distance: 12 – 24 chunks to save fps
- Optifine for 1.16.4/1.16.5
- Clouds: Off
- 8GB or higher allocated to Minecraft
v1.2: - Reduced most mob's / boss' armor. - Reduced attack damage on some mobs. - Reduced negative attack speed on "Loyalist armor". + More starting food and arrows. + Training boss and skeletons dont get stuck. + More lights have been added / some lights have changed position. + Added a clue in the I'dej treasure room. + More boss bars.

2021-03-05 - Map Released.