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Scope Survival

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The Story of Scope Survival

The map was originally created for my own sake to experience feeling of playing my own survival map. But later it was decided to improve map and to post it, so people can freely play on it.


Gameplay of the map is based mainly on vertical movement and building.

Your survival begins here...


  1. Craft wooden pickaxe
  2. Craft stone pickaxe
  3. Craft iron pickaxe
  4. Craft diamond pickaxe
  5. Build melon farm
  6. Build wheat farm
  7. Build wooden house
  8. Craft furnace
  9. Find coal
  10. Find iron
  11. Find gold
  12. Find redstone
  13. Find glowstone
  14. Find wood
  15. Find diamonds
  16. Make redstone rollercoaster
  17. Combine all the layers of map with wooden walls
  18. Build ladder from the top to the bottom
  19. Craft a book
  20. Find obsidian
  21. Craft enchanting table
  22. Enchant some tools
  23. Craft Brewing stand
  24. Brew some potions
  25. Craft a clock
  26. Craft a compass
  27. Craft a map
  28. Craft a blue wool
  29. Make me a video of what you have made
  30. E-Mail me a link to your video: OneSevenSevenThree [at]


2012-07-29 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Mangekyou
(14 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.2.5
File Size: 1.72 MB
Date Added: 2012-07-29
Downloads: 28,178
Map Category: Survival Maps

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