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Grinsdor Kingdom

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Hello everyone, this is my new map. Grinsdor Kingdom is a survival map with objectives. You have to survive and accomplish some challenges while exploring the vast set of islands, biomes and sites (villages, ruins, ...). You can play as a multiplayer map ! A map of the world is available with the download.

- Play at least on easy and survive as a classical survival game.
- Put good graphics performance.

Main objectives:
- Find and explore the eight sites of the map.
- Find the Grinsdor armor and sword.
- Build a base (other than the sites) on each biome.

Survival objectives:
- Make a bed.
- Build a house with a working fireplace.
- Make an iron armor, give it to a zombie and recover.
- Make a wheat farm and potato shaped red pepper.
- Destroy the rest of the ruined village with TNT.
- Make a map of the center of the map to see the kingdom of your map.
- Build a Nether portal with obsidian of one of the two volcanoes.
- Listen to a CD in the Pawnee tribe.
- Tame a cat and give him a bucket of milk.
- Teleport on the top of a mountain with a enderpearl
- Kill a skeleton with your bare hands.
- Enchant a book with sharpness and use it with a wooden sword.
- Build your own site in the Kohno desert.
- Connect two of the jungle islands with rails.




2013-10-16 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Mokay_96
(29 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.6.4
File Size: 29.08 MB
Date Added: 2013-10-16
Downloads: 73,313
Map Category: Survival Maps

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