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Castlevania NES

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An exciting recreation map of the entire CV1 game made for the NES includes, huge bosses, waves of enemies to fight and one of the most accurate recreations of this video game, it is completed with hidden treasure chest and a story notes to push through the adventure. Will you survive this horrible night?

This map is best played on Single Player.

for Multiplayer, you are allowed to cheat if things get to crazy, also the Nether needs to be activated since the final battle and ending takes place there and if all players are spawned far away, here's the coordinates:

Player Spawn
X: -1017.9170894243513
Y: 25.62000000476837
Z: -1405.0909239216114

Nether Spawn
X: -82.067250088886
Y: 85.62000000476837
Z: -157.9939686228766

Map Review by SlySlasher

Originality: 3 / 4
I would consider this map to be rather original. There are some parts of the adventure maps that really stood out, and were fresh and bringing new, ingenuitive ideas. I believe that some of the ideas would revolutionize the adventure genre itself, enhancing and enriching the overall experience. Having said that, it was not consistent throughout the course of the map, and every level does not necessarily bring something new to the table, and a tad repetitive.

Architectural Detail/Effort: 3.5 / 4
There is no doubt that a massive amount of effort was put in into creating this custom map. Every single aspect of architecture was done right, from the towns itself, to the detailed and exuberant castle, it was breathtaking, and was simply a masterpiece. Even the lighting was done right, the redstone torches did give a ambient feel to the castle, setting the mood perfectly. However, if i were to be really nit-picky, i would say that some levels themselves looked a tad bland.

Gameplay: 3 / 4
Firstly, this has been a LONG time since i have seen parkour done right. This adds a element of danger and urgency when strategizing your jumps. It stays true to the Castlevania franchise, and does not deviate from it too much. Okay, now for the main complaint. Creepers. As this is a combat and adventure based map, there are bound to be creepers. This map forces one to cheat. You see, when creepers explode, some of the blocks that they explode does not get dropped in the form of entities. When one is trying to climb a stair, and the creeper wrecks it, it sometimes forces the user to spawn themselves the necessary items to fix the damage done. Also, i often get blown up and i would fall into a different level. This is a lingering problem, that has to be fixed, in my opinion. I would suggest making a obsidian coating under the flooring and below platforms. This may not seem like a big deal, but it does make the gameplay much smoother and fluent.

Progression: 3 / 4
The custom map progressed fluently and with coherently. All the levels were well sorted out, and it is linear progression done right. Although there are some hiccups and problems due to what i have mentioned above. Those do not happen too frequently, and has a checkpoint system to it. I would suggest re-enforcing the checkpoint with obsidian, as creepers may tend to blow a checkpoint or two up.

Storyline: 2 / 4
In any adventure-style map, a storyline is the prominent factor that motivates the player along with the adventure map. Don't get me wrong, the storyline was well written and decently executed, however, it is not structured well. Any great adventure-themed map that you know of, has an intriguing storyline. It keeps you wanting to know more about the story, and slowly you can put two and two together, and the final story seems like a masterpiece, What was lacking in the storyline was mystery. Everything was told to the reader, and does not motivate the reader to progress with the map, to find out more about the storyline. Sometimes, it is good to cliff-hang in a particular note, to enrich the storyline even further.

Estimated Playtime: 1 hour(s)
Total score: 14.5 / 20


Originality: Applies to all map genres. Creatively utilizes Minecraft's functions to establish a fresh and clever layout and creations.
0 = The map showed no creativity at all.
1 = There was a slight amount of creativity, but just enough to substantiate a score.
2 = Creativity was average, and was shown adequately
3 = Creativity was clearly shown and was above average, and is new and fresh.
4 = The creativity in the custom map was outstanding!

Architectural detail & Effort: How appealing is the visual stimulus incorporated in the custom map and the effort shown by the creator in progress of the map?
0 = The visuals were horrible, and barely any effort was put in.
1 = The visuals were poor, however some attempt and effort was shown.
2 = Subtle visuals, but nothing outstanding.
3 = Appealing visuals, and effort was clearly shown and demonstrated.
4 = Stunning and jaw-dropping creations, and there was no doubt much effort was put into the map.

Gameplay: Engages the player into the custom map, and provides the player with an enjoyable experience.
0 = The gameplay was truly terrible, it was insanely boring.
1 = It was not interesting at all, but suffices for a rating.
2 = The gameplay was average, mildly interesting.
3 = Engaging and exciting gameplay
4 = Astounding gameplay and fully engages the player into the custom map.

Progression: Pacing and coherency of the map, 
0 = The map showed no progression at all, and you felt like you were going no where.
1 = The map showed below average progression, and it was not fluent.
2 = It had a little progression as you moved along the map, but it was still choppy and had hiccups.
3 = The progression in the map was good, well paced and fluent.
4 = It displayed outstanding progression, and each transition felt clean and smart, everything was paced well.

Storyline: Dialouge and the way the creator conveys the story to the player.
0 = There was barely a dechipherable storyline and it is confusing.
1 = There was a storyline, but it was either poorly written or fails to put it together.
2 = It was an average storyline. Although not well written or a little confusing, but suffices as a storyline to go with the map.
3 = The storyline would catch player's attention, it is well written and conveys the story fluently to the player.
4 = Outstanding storyline, expertly written and a true joy to read.


2012-06-18 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Dyz69
(23 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.2.5
File Size: 3.11 MB
Date Added: 2012-06-18
Downloads: 45,732
Map Category: Adventure Maps

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