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Charlie Builds Parkour!

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Map Info:
Welcome to my very first publicly available map!

Up to 4 people can play simultaneously and compete to get to the end of their respective parkour tunnels first. Each tunnel is identical and features green, yellow, and red blocks, from and to which each player must jump.

The catch is that the players must immediately jump from the green blocks to the next ones or the block will disappear beneath their feet and they will fall. Similarly, they must stop momentarily on the yellow blocks, until the obstacle in front of them clears, and then immediately leave the block or they will fall. The red block indicates that the player must stop on it, but can stay there as long as they like.

When a player falls, they can use the minecarts to get back to the starting point by clicking inside the nearest one, then each cart in front of them until they reach the ladders.

1. Play on peaceful.
2. Play in survival mode.
3. Don't break blocks.
4. Enable command blocks (on servers).


2013-08-28 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: CharlieBuilds
(11 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.6.4
File Size: 897 KB
Date Added: 2013-08-28
Downloads: 60,577
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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