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Assassin's Creed 1840

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Map Info

  • This map is for Minecraft version 1.20.1
  • There is a custom resource pack attached to the map.
  • There are no datapacks/mods needed. it is vanilla minecraft map.
  • To get the map (classic): Download the zip file -> extract "by Miserere_me" and place it into your "saves" minecraft folder.
  • This parkour map takes inspiration from the classic Assassin's creed games.
  • There is a Main story and 4 side-quests, please watch the video to understand the quest system with compases - it is in a form of villager trades.
  • Parkour difficulty: Easy/Medium
  • Gamemode: Adventure
  • In short: You are an elite assassin sent to the city to help the brotherhood rid the city of Templar influence. You will have to do a series of tasks to achieve that. Master Assassin Harvé Quemar will guide you. You can collect feathers hidden all around the city. Feathers can be traded for useful items or 4 side-quests with neat rewards (such as isu artefacts of zeus and poseidon that makes you a flying demi-god). Feather traders are in Assassin hideout.
  • I recommend to use the city parkour to get from point A to point B. Once you get on the rooftops you can pretty much travel solely on them. Jumping on lamps to cross the street, jumping into haystacks - the true assassin experience :)



2024-11-03 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Miserere_me
(51 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
File Size: 76 MB
Date Added: 2024-11-03
Downloads: 17,299
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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