2D Capture The Flag

Capture The Flag has entered the second dimension! 2D Capture The Flag is a new take on the popular Capture The Flag minigame, in that it is in a tiny 2-Dimensional cage where you can only move fowards, backwards, up, and down. There is no running around, you are forced to interact with the opposing team at one point! 2 players minimum are needed to play the game, but it is recommended that each team have at least 2 people for best possible gameplay. All players will have a sword, pickaxe, armor, and an infinite amount of blocks. Run to the other side to grab the opposing team's flag, then run back to your side without getting killed, and place it on the proper block. If you are killed with the flag, the flag is returned back to its base. Couple things to note: This map was made by Jerries. Please credit me for any Youtube videos.
2024-01-30 - Map Released. Version 1.11: --Added 3 maps: Zig-Zag, Wartime, and Hourglass, all in addition to the default empty stage
Map Creator: | Jerries |
Rating: | |
Map Version: | v1.1 |
Minecraft Version: | 1.20.4 |
File Size: | 1.8 MB |
Date Added: | 2024-01-30 |
Downloads: | 1,053 |
Map Category: | Game Maps |