Welcome to Find the Chomiks! The sequel to Find the Stickmen. This map is (partially) a recreation of a game on Roblox, which is also called Find the Chomiks. Chomik means hamster in Polish! This map's objective is to find all 100 chomiks. There are 9 themed area's for you to explore as well as one realm. Unlike find the stickmen, there are no puzzles in this map (so far). So it all gets down to exploring and parkour! On spawn, there is a button to the chomikdex. This is a giant museum where you can put the chomiks in item frames, so you know which one you have collected and which you have not. In the chomikdex are also hints for every single chomik to help a bit if one is too hard to find. Every chomik is in an invisible item frame. If you join the game without being on the right version or without the mod in the mods folder, all the chomiks will break.
Rules and Tips
- This map makes use of a mod, so you HAVE to play on minecraft forge version 1.20.1. If you dont know how to add mods to minecraft, there are plenty of tutorials on websites like Youtube!
- The texture pack is mandatory, since it changes a crusial thing in the Ao realm!
- The general gamemode is adventure mode, but feel free to swap around gamemodes if things are too hard.
- Keep inventory is on, so if you want to get back to spawn quickly, you can just /kill. Also, no fall damage!
- Also, this map makes use of ghost blocks. These are non collidable, but they seem real. Which means you can walk through some walls. For every chomik it is indicated by some way, except for the hardest one!
Other information:
- The Roblox version has, at the moment of writing, 944 chomiks and will end at 1000. My goal is to update this map every once in a while. Each update will add more areas and realms as well as 100 chomiks in each update. For now the hardest difficulty is a terrifying, but I can already say that there are at least 4 more difficulties above this. (the hardest chomik ever took 44 hours to solve, i will make sure that it wont be that hard, so dont worry lol).
- Whenever I update this map, i will put an update log in this text document and I will change colours on the signs in the chomikdex so it is easy to see which chomiks are new.
Lastly, If you'd like to record on this map, feel free to do so! I'd love to see everyone's reactions to it.

2024-01-23 - Map Released.
- Added correct file.