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Deadly Sandstone Mines

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Deadly Sandstone Mines is a brutally difficult map that forces players to skillfully manage resources and combat situations. In other words, these sandstone mines are deadly!

Survive in any way you can think of.  Breaking and placing blocks is encouraged!  Craft weapons, or loot them from chests!  Find TNT and set it off to clear out a difficult section!

Remember, find all 5 wools in special marked chests and place them on the Monument to win!



2023-08-21 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Caecilleus
(15 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
File Size: 4.8 MB
Date Added: 2023-08-21
Downloads: 2,152
Map Category: CTM Maps

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Comments (4)
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Finished the map in around 12-14 hours. It was really fun! The resource managment wasn't that big of an issue for most of the part but I did feel that at the end I started to get little low on some more important resources. All the different dungeons looked well made and were interesting to go through.
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I really enjoyed this map. It stands apart from all other CTM maps by being conservative with the resources it gives out, which is really awesome to see. It really is challenging and players might want to turn on keepInventory because you're gonna die a lot, and there are no beds in the map. The dungeons were all varied and fun to explore, so I really liked that. More people should check this map out.
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I am here to confirm that the sandstone mines are indeed, deadly. A great and challenging experience which I recommend trying out!
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A fun resource starved map, challenging even for players familiar with the genre, but fair enough for all players to complete! Highly recommend!
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