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The Hub

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The Hub

A Singleplayer/Multiplayer Minecraft Adventure Map, in Complete the Monument Style, where your goal is to collect all the shards in the HUB and open up the Ancient Portal. This map can be played with 1-4 players on version 1.19.4. It incorporates many genres, such as Puzzle, PvE, Parkour, Survival, Murder Mystery, Archery, Find the Items, and Elytra. It has at around 2 hours of gameplay, with many custom achievements and collectibles to be gathered!

by Project Stew

This map was mainly created by EddyPr3 and TheTofuMonarch, leaders of the team ProjectStew. We thank the help of Icanbesane, Optihax, Igor_Z, Avielle25, and all our other helpers and beta testers. We also thank Quengis for some much needed command block assistance. If you upload a video of this map, please credit the team!

We hope you have fun playing our map!

Recommended Settings:
- render distance: 10+
- simulation distance 10+
- clouds: off
- particles: all
- brightness: bright
- graphics: fancy
- trees: fancy
- smooth lighting: on
- master volume: 50+
- biome blend: 5x5+

If you're playing on a server, make sure you have command blocks enabled (can be found on under "enable-command-block=true").

Everyone must be oped for the map to work properly!

If you find any bugs, or if you have any suggestions for future maps, please do leave a comment!



2023-06-12 - Map Released.

- Fixed a few remaining pesky bugs at the end dimension.
- Added a custom command [​/function allshards]
- Added hints to make certain areas more clear.
- Made some improvements to red and blue biomes.

Balancing changes:

- Improved some areas in terms of game design.
- Made some challenges more intuitive.
- Added an icon for the map.

Map Details

Map Creator: Project Stew
(65 votes)
Map Version: v1.6
Minecraft Version: 1.20
File Size: 45 MB
Date Added: 2023-06-12
Downloads: 9,055
Map Category: CTM Maps

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