Welcome to Galactic Combat! This map is a Star Wars themed PvP First Person Shooter multiplayer experience. While the map is best enjoyed with friends, two gamemodes are playable single player.
It features 12 characters: - Luke Skywalker - Leia Skywalker - Chewbacca - Lando Calrissian - Han Solo - Nien Nunb
- Darth Vader - Boba Fett - Bossk - Dengar - IG-88 - Greedo
Every character has 1 unique weapon and two abilities.
It features four maps: - Hoth - Tatooine - Endor - The Deathstar
And three Gamemodes: - Deatmatch: Fight Light vs Darkside, and kill rogue droids to gain points! (1 or more players) - Free for All: Anything goes! Make any matchup using any available heroes, and see who gets the most kills! (2 or more players) - Assault: (Beta) A PvE experience where you have to prevent the AT-AT walker from reaching the base! (1 or more players)

2023-05-20 - Map Released.