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Machine for Piglins: Remake

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"This world is a machine. A machine for piglins. Fit only for the slaughtering of piglins."

London. The year is 1899. The player awakes in his bed, wracked with fever and haunted by dreams of a dark and hellish engine. Tortured by visions of a disastrous expedition to Nether, broken on the failing dreams of an industrial utopia, wracked with guilt and hellish disease, he wakes into a nightmare. The house is silent, the ground beneath him shaking at the will of some infernal machine: all he knows is that this city is in grave peril, and it is up to him to save the city, from the deepest secret...


  • One of the darkest and most terrible stories ever told in a minecraft map
  • Atmosphere and attention to details at the highest level possible
  • Approximately two hours of gameplay
  • Multiplayer support (1-4 players co-op)
  • Resourcepack by Originales (Conquest: Reforged)


  • Spawned outside of the map?
    !Starting coordinates are 95 103 0
  • Stuck at cutscene?
    !Set render distance to AT LEAST 12 CHUNKS
  • Map freezing every 3-5 seconds?
    !Disable connected textures (OptiFine users only)
  • Glitchy leaves?
    !Change leaves quality to detailed in settings

Map only supports Java Minecraft versions: 1.19-1.19.2 do not play on versions below or above those.

Do you have RTX series graphics card? If so, we recommend you to play this map with "Rethinking Voxels" shaderpack



2023-03-14 - Map Released.

-Improved offices
-Improved sound design of the outside area
-Removed human remains from slaughterhouse
-Fixed power plant key

-Improved Slaughterhouse
-Fixed sound glitch after sewers

-Improved mansion
-Improved slime puzzle
-Fixed power plant puzzle

-Fixed prologue cutscene glitch
-Fixed pressure generator not working

Map Details

Map Creator: LGSC team
(195 votes)
Map Version: v1.5
Minecraft Version: 1.19.2
File Size: 140.3 MB
Date Added: 2023-03-14
Downloads: 19,013
Map Category: Horror Maps

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