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**This Map is Only Compatible with SINGLEPLAYER!!**

Imagine you're an elf who had lost the ability to fly. One night, every clock in your home died at exactly 3am, so the alarm clock didn't wake you up. You finally wake up by yourself, and realized you're almost late for work. You then rushed to work, knowing you'd be fired if you're late today. That's exactly what you're going to go through.

1. Stay in adventure mode
2. Do not break nor place blocks
3. Do not use commands
4. Have fun!

Get to work in time, so Santa won't fire you.

- Render Distance 8+ Chunks (8-16 Works Best)
- Gamemode Adventure

- Get to work in time in Extreme mode
- Get to work without failing once

Instagram: itspungpond98_
Discord: ItsPungpond98 #2471
Discord Community:Club 98

Map Made By Your Lovely,



2022-12-22 - Map Released.

v1.1 - 1.2

- Fixed Difficulty System
- Added The "End The Game Stick"
- Players won't be able to keep unrelated items in their inventory anymore
- Removed item from a chest at the start

Map Details

Map Creator: ItsPungpond98
(16 votes)
Map Version: v1.2
Minecraft Version: 1.19.2
File Size: 5.3 MB
Date Added: 2022-12-22
Downloads: 3,508
Map Category: Parkour Maps

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