Frosty's Terrible Christmas
a map by QuinnBitz and Buk2.
- supports multiplayer
- difficulty scales with the amount of players
- master sound: 100%
- Jukebox Sound: 25%+
- Particles: ALL
Story You were invited by Frosty to come to his village to deal with an issue. Before leaving you see a note stating that you shouldn't meet frosty but meet the village elder instead. You get a strange feeling about this and are asking if you should get involved at all..

2022-12-12 - Map Released.
DIALOGUE: -fixed typo in elder's dialogue
ENTITIES: -added villagers in some of the empty houses
BUILDING: -added dropper in factory for the key -changed frosty's front doors -changed frosty's front wall -removed blueenergy™ signs -fixed typo in museum -fixed that the player names don't displayer above the heads in the lobby -changed the lobby door's orientation so the "wind" blows the door open. -changed destroyed factory to have a dispenser instead of a dropper to -changed dropper's block name to "Keyhole" and dispenser's name to "Used Keyhole"
OBJECTIVE: -to open the factory the key now needs to be placed in the dropper -changed the factory key to a tripwire hook -made objective failed appear when talking to elder for the good? ending -fixed bug with players obtaining paper & village elder's note -fixed bug with not all entities being cleared properly -made so the players can't move during the ending cutscene. -made less loot spawn on highest difficulty
TECHNICAL: -removed factory door marker -tweaked lootable -made the loot table have a 50% chance of spawning -fixed schedule resets
DIALOGUE: -fixed continuity error with frosty -fixed misspelling & grammar issues
ENDINGS: -fixed typo
LOOTTABLE: -changed melons to sweet berries -made gold & leather leggings their average durability higher -changed leather leggings to chainmail leggings
TECHNICAL: -detection range of frosty is now influenced by difficulty -villagers no longer have trades when first loading