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This RPG is difficult and expansive. 30+ hours of content. Recommended to play with 2 players but works 1-4. We have implemented a Quest Log system to help keep track of where you are in the story. You can access the quest log using the Main Storyline book. recommended to always keep this with you. This book also adds more chapters to recap what you have accomplished.


  • 3 Major Cities each with their own culture and currencies
  • 18+ Dungeons with progressing loot and difficulty
  • Obtainable and Modifiable Home and Farm
  • Customize your Playstyle with Gear and Tools
  • Many references and easter eggs to classic games
  • Much more!


You are a well respected villager who resides in Hightower in the southern parts of Vantania. Your manor sits atop a hill with a comfortable sized farm and plenty to eat. However, the winters are long in these parts and in order to stock up annually you must go on a hunting trip. This is where our story begins - you have just returned from your hunting trip and are approaching your home. 

You quickly realize it has been attacked while you were away. Your home is destroyed and it is up to you to pick up the pieces. First you must figure out what has happened, and only once you are strong can you begin to build back to impose justice.


Your hometown "Hightower" is located just outside of the large underground city known as "Anvilheim" located in the world of "Vantania". You have a brother who lives in the capital city of "Lucidia" named "Nick" who you have not heard from in a long time and no other family in the region. 


If you run into any bugs please submit to: [email protected] *We are also open to experienced buildings who want to help improve the world.




2022-12-19 - Map Released.

Version 1.1 Changelog:

-Added new start area to game that includes non-permanent class selection

-Updated Brightvale and Brightvale Manor including aesthestics, boss bars, and atmosphere

-Removed a teleporting glitch that would cause the player to go back to the start of the world

-Updated Doricia to be easier at the start and updated the boss

-Buffed the Pharaoh and added a healthbar

-Fixed the Farm Quest

-Countless other minor bug fixes


1.0 Is finally here!!

This version is expected to be bug free and playable all the way through. We are also releasing a youtube video walkthrough for the mainstoryline.

Map Details

Map Creator: Redwulf85048
(107 votes)
Map Version: v1.1
Minecraft Version: 1.19.3
File Size: 263 MB
Date Added: 2022-12-19
Downloads: 19,106
Map Category: Adventure Maps

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