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Red Plague

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Map Info

This map is prequel to "Year of Blood"

You are a doctor who arrived in the old district of the ancient city of Pilnam, which is infected with a certain plague that devours all life.

You must heal the old pilnam. On your way there will be creepy creatures, simple puzzles and scary moments.


  • If you believe that you spawned outside of the map, while playing multiplayer, teleport everyone to coordinates /tp @a -49 170 168
  • Make sure to enable command blocks, while playing multiplayer
  • Make sure everyone have resourcepack installed

Textures by Tsunami67 and ewanhowell5195



2022-10-20 - Map Released.

-Optimized dynamic lights datapack
-Fixed few mobs

-Fixed sound issues
-Improved few textures
-Added few hints

-Improved final boss and its room
-Fixed black textures glitch
-Added checkpoint at very beginning

-fixed hole in fence, that leads players out of map

Map Details

Map Creator: LGSC team
(171 votes)
Map Version: v1.04
Minecraft Version: 1.19.2
File Size: 44.6 MB
Date Added: 2022-10-20
Downloads: 14,299
Map Category: Horror Maps

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