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Floating Islands Puzzle Park

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Made by OLEGSHA, LevAlTru, IRclinG, vik

The puzzles put the player inside a bedrock box in survival gamemode and challenge them to get out with the use of various Minecraft mechanics, careful resource management and clever thinking. In between attempts you can explore the scenery to find bits of parkour, beautiful vistas and plenty of secrets.

Full puzzle rules are available at world spawn. In short, inside the puzzle rooms you may do anything as long as you could replicate that in survival vanilla singleplayer - break blocks, place blocks, craft items, etc. However, messing with the scenery and command blocks is not allowed.


Reset mechanism: puzzle rooms reset automatically or on demand.
Multiplayer support: invite friends to help you with puzzles or to laugh at your mistakes! However, only one person can be solving a puzzle at the same time. Map tested in 1.19 singleplayer and on a 1.19 Paper server.

Author solutions

Spoilers, duh: YouTube


Puzzle design: OLEGSHA#7375
Builders: OLEGSHA#7375, LevAlTru#5175, IRclinG#5825, vik#7489



2022-08-22 - Map Released.


A minor update that fixes a few mistakes and annoyances eventually found in 1.1. Hopefully the map is now easier to understand and complete. All puzzle solutions remain valid; however, some of the loot has been modified.

  • Renamed puzzle 4 from "Ant Farm" to "Bad Assumption".
  • In puzzle 5, pressing Goal button now teleports player to a safe location to prevent softlocks.
  • In puzzle 5, orange concrete powder changed to cyan concrete powder to prevent confusion with red sand.
  • In puzzle 5, command block now contains a command that explains its purpose to make it apparent that it was not placed in error.
  • In puzzle 5, raw metal blocks and shroomlights inside bedrock removed to make puzzle layout a little less confusing.
  • in puzzle 4, minor changes made to concrete behind barriers to make the pattern more consistent and easier to read.
  • In puzzle 1, removed a nook in barrier pattern in furnace room to make puzzle layout less confusing.
  • Parkour sections now display text and a hint for hint books when final pressure plate is activated to provide feedback to players.
  • Changes to loot location and contents; removed some of the more tricky jumps and added more hints.
  • Fixed a decor softlock near puzzle 1 (near fish hopper).
  • Fixed a few incorrect blocks in starting area.


Map Details

Map Creator: OLEGSHA
(33 votes)
Map Version: v1.2
Minecraft Version: 1.19
File Size: 1.4 MB
Date Added: 2022-08-22
Downloads: 9,415
Map Category: Escape Maps

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