This map is a way of completing the challenge of collecting every item in the game, but also contains custom reward items, a progression system, lore, and so much more!
- Clouds: OFF
- Render Distance: At least 12 chunks
- GUI Scale: No more than 3, not Auto
- Brightness: Bright. This map may get dark, Optifine's dynamic lights are reccomended, but manually raising your gamma shouldn't be necessary
- Gamemode: You should be in adventure mode whenever inside the temple structure, but survival mode outside of it
- Optifine is required for this map's resource pack
- This map is fully multiplayer compatible and should work in versions above 1.19
- This map is free to play on Youtube/Twitch
- doFireTick: False
- commandBlockOutput: False
- sendCommandFeedback: False
- Mooshroompig - Lead Designer
- DungeonDriver - Lore Writing and World building
- LavaMaster5000 - Custom Artwork and Modeling
Special Thanks:
- doctorgeek117 - General Assitance/Palette Design
- LavaMaster5000 - Starting Room, Palette, and Main Atrium Design
- FuzzyBiscuits - Main Atrium Design
- magica177 - Main Atrium Design
- VirtualCrusader - Playtester

2022-08-14 - Map Released.