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Clutch Together

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Clutching That Victory With Your Friends

NOTE: This map works fine on Singleplayer but will be more fun with friends

In this map you'll be given an item and a piece of paper. The item you have will help you clutch on the way to the bottom while the piece of paper will give you a condition on how you should perform the clutch (everyone will get a different paper).

If you successfully complete the clutch within 3 different attempts, you'll receive a random amount of points between 100 and 300. Only you will know how many points you will get. If you fail the clutch after 3 attempts however, your score will be reset (set to 0) and you won't be able to clutch anymore (and therefore your final score will be 0).

The game will end when one of the following happens:

  • Everyone's points are reset back to 0 because everyone has failed
  • Nobody wants to clutch (so everyone is happy with their score)

The scores are then revealed and you can restart the whole game over.

Getting Started (Map Instructions)

  • Read the rules
  • Read the info
  • Press Start



2022-08-27 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Vacancy_In_Space
(8 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.19.2
File Size: 3.1 MB
Date Added: 2022-08-27
Downloads: 4,022
Map Category: Game Maps

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