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PROJECT TARIUS is a competitive Minecraft PvP gamemode that focuses entirely on archery. The project is inspired by the Minecraft Map Infinitri, but has been completely reworked from the ground up.

The game includes 5+ Game Modes, and features 8 Unique Maps of varying sizes. The map supports any number of players, and is fully equipped to run autonomously on a public Minecraft server.

Game Modes

Capture the Flag
Retrieve the enemy team's flag while protecting your own.

Crystal Keepers
Obtain and hold onto the End Crystal for as long as possible.

A free-for-all competition to see who can get the most kills.

Team Deathmatch
Two teams compete for the most kills.

Revive your teammates whilst eliminating the enemy team.

Kill Streak Items

PROJECT TARIUS features the option to enable Kill Streak Items. Kill a consecutive number of opponents without dying and you will receive one of five items:

Detonates and creates a large explosion shortly after being thrown.

Land Mine
Triggers whenever an opposing player steps on it. Can be triggered by shooting one with an arrow.

Smoke Grenade
Creates a huge cloud of blinding smoke upon impact.

Speed Boots
Temporarily gives the player a massive speed boost.

Super Crossbow
Fires three piercing arrows instantaneously when shot.


This map uses the Minecraft Glowing Effect introduced in the 1.9 Combat update to identify key objectives. Unfortunately, using either the "Fast Render" feature or any custom Shaders via Optifine prevents entities with the Glowing Effect from rendering properly. This will give players using these features a slight disadvantage, but should not break the game by any means.

The map is designed for Minecraft version 1.20. You can download the server jar here."


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2022-05-28 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: CanadianHybrid
(34 votes)
Map Version: v1.5
Minecraft Version: 1.20
File Size: 22.4 MB
Date Added: 2022-05-28
Downloads: 8,622
Map Category: PVP Maps

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Categories: 25

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