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Matt's MineCity

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Matt's Minecity is a city project created by Minenitrogue but built by various people who includes but not limited to: Minenitrogue, UrHyper, rebeltrooper50, Jaybry1234, Christianfreez1, Rompotti, _Chaos_Creeper_, Rek_The_Pope, IEllis, matanvl and coolbro280.

There are 16 different cities in the world to explore, most of which were built by different people so have different building styles. The 16 cities that are in the world are: MineCity, Hyperville, New Hyper, Virdvell, Danville, Frostbain, MyperCity, SmattCity, Mattville, WestTown, SeaCity, SpringField, Tropami, Phoneix Drop, Jayville and Hilly Town. Each of these vary in size, some tiny, some medium size and some big. As well as these towns/cities, the map also includes: 1 International Airport, 2 Nuclear Power Stations, 1 hospital, a few police stations, a jail, a football/race stadium, a Pier as well as many skyscrapers and houses. There is also a metro system throughout the whole city. Some buildings in the map have interiors however the majority do not or have a very minimal interior. There are 3 motorways in the map. The first motorway is a big ring road that connects to almost all of the towns/cities. The 2nd motorway connects to Hyperville and Mattville. The third motorway connects the International Airport to the rest of the motorway network.

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2022-04-07 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Minenitrogue
(94 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.18.1
File Size: 1.5 GB
Date Added: 2022-04-07
Downloads: 30,080
Map Category: City Maps

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