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Jed's Prison Escape

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Jed's Prison Escape is a huge escape room with non-linear progression, built purely with redstone. The idea is that you won't get stuck on a single puzzle and be completely barred from progress. Every area can be accessed through multiple routes and there are many ways to escape the prison. There are jumping puzzles, secret-finding, speed challenges, pure logic puzzles and much more. And if you're not great at parkour, there are always alternatives. So if you're stuck you can find always another way forward. There are characters and a story to keep track of, that might help for some puzzles. Clues scattered around the map will help you progress and figure puzzles out. Some are simple, while some are very difficult. The harder ones will naturally bring you closer to escape. But remember that if any one puzzle has you stumped, you can always find another. Maybe you'll even find a clue to help.

The progress was constantly steady for all beta testers and they were never stuck for more than 10 minutes without finding anything new. Though, the final step of escaping isn't simple, no matter which route one eventually solves. For an even more difficult task, I challenge you to find all escape routes and figure out the underlying story behind the prison.

Minecraft 1.18.1 or 1.18.2
No datapack required.
Optifine is recommended. The map can lag without it due to the many item frames, hoppers and chests.

Adventure mode.
No cheats, obviously.
Only specific papers can be renamed.
Get out any way you can. (Touching the sand outside the prison counts as an escape)

Multiplayer: The map is best enjoyed with 2 people, I think. It supports anywhere from 1-4 players. For multiplayer, some additional rules apply.
No PVP. You can't punch-boost your teammates.
At least for the first time going through a door: The person who pressed the button/noteblock has to be the one to enter the door. Especially important for timed challenges. (After someone has beaten a puzzle/timed challenge once, disregard this rule for that challenge)

Multiplayer recommendations: 

Try to stick together. There is no worse feeling than thinking you've discovered something new only to find your teammates have already been through there. For the early game, I'd recommend all staying in one room. Later, splitting is fine but once someone unlocks a new area, I suggest waiting for everyone to gather before exploring. 

Read clue books out loud or pass them around for everyone to read. Otherwise the common problem of two people sitting on half a solution each occurs.

Lastly, discuss your findings and bounce ideas off each other.



2022-03-01 - Map Released.

v1.0.2 - Skip tutorial button now works.
v1.0.3 - Tutorial has been made clearer and a dropper to retrieve non-key items has been added to every keyhole.
v1.0.4 - Dropper added to tutorial keyhole
v1.0.5 - Unintentional exit route through the warden's office fixed
v1.0.6 - Fix for logic puzzle redstone, guard's quarter's balcony, garbage system and more.
v1.0.7 - More lenient timings for some piston doors.
v1.0.8 - Many fixes; including guard's barracks anvil, unlocked item frame, gravel below guard tower and more.
v1.0.9 - Water breathing is now constantly reapplied
v1.1.0 - Four new exit routes, Three new clues, two new small hidden rooms and some pathways are now two-way, letting the player get around easier.
v1.2.0 - Two new exits. Rewording of several clues. Replaced Emomali's USB. Fix to guard's bathroom soap.
v1.2.1 - Clarity for some exit. Difficulty for some exits revamped. Assorted fixes and improvements.
v1.2.2 - More random improvements, more signs to help navigation. New way to enter technician's office.
v1.3.0 - Two new exits. More lenient timings. Small assorted fixes. Removed two duplicate clues and added two new in their place. Reworked Cecile's emails.
v1.3.1 - Mirror fix. Trash hoppers fix. Chip returnal for guard's bathroom fix. Made the compass in the tutorial point to north. New secret path to Cecile's office. New clue for technician lights. Made roof storage speedrun more clear. Storage puzzle more difficult. Cars clue clearer.
v1.3.2 - Pick cell book updated. Date exit now has fireworks :) Car keys removed. Anvil and documents added to Paul's office. Can no longer see through walls when entering cell #A20. Fixed potential error under left guard tower. Basketball court has better reward.
v1.3.3 - Added a congratulatory message upon completion. Patched an irrelevant hole in the sand and closed one trapdoor.
v1.4.0 - Tutorial lectern doesn't interact with the trapdoor, chip return in tutorial now works
v1.4.1 - Button to exit men's prisoner's bathroom is now wooden. Fixed the guard's quarter top door.
v1.5.0 - Updated to 1.19
v1.5.1 - Fixed Rodolphe's USB, note regarding Castor, and softlock in garbage room. Also added some signs in the starter area to clear confusion
v1.6.0 - Fixed softlocks in A25 and A05. Removed a lantern from Rodolphe's office and updated clues Aliu's ID and Bad atmosphere. Added a sign to the repeater puzzle for clarity.
v1.6.1 - Fixed easy unintended escape route through window jump. Updated map icon.
v1.6.2 - Fixed spawn error with previous version

Map Details

Map Creator: MrJedama
(228 votes)
Map Version: v1.6.2
Minecraft Version: 1.19.2
File Size: 25.8 MB
Date Added: 2022-03-01
Downloads: 33,104
Map Category: Escape Maps

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