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Sinister Abduction

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Welcome to a Sinister Abduction (^w^)

Come on in, enter this mansion, and attempt to free these four trapped souls within. If you don't want to, though, that's fine- it's not as if anything's actually at stake! Run through these haunted grounds collecting wither roses, and find many a secret!

Is it multiplayer friendly? (owo)

Yes! It is! So long as none of you go around tossing wither roses around- they aren't confetti, yknow!

What's the estimated playtime? (owo)

That all depends on how good you are at finding things! The better you are, the shorter the time frame the map will take - oh, and I don't expect you to beat it- those last few roses are rather tricky :P

Okay but how many roses are there? (uwu)

100 in total, with about 25 per floor! I'd recommend jotting them down on a notepad - best not to separate your stacks, after all!

Anything else?

Nope! Have a good time thwarting this Sinister Abduction! (^w^)



2021-10-30 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: DeuxiemeCarlin
(30 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.17.1
File Size: 47.6 MB
Date Added: 2021-10-30
Downloads: 2,743
Map Category: Finding Maps

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Comments (12)
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Here is my playthrough part 1 of this map super fun spoilers we do show where the roses are.
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plz make the intro so it lets you start the game without being stuck in a room for 10 mins :D
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Ive gotten to 98, tho i did have to use Spectator cause jesus this was difficult, ive found 17 outside and 81 inside, and for the life of me i cannot find the rest. i have literally looked everywhere, i even had to use night vision cause i couldnt see half the time, this is a very good but difficult af map. Oh also for some reason, theres a glitch in the lower parts of the map where a armour stand is constantly making the noise of taking off and putting on leather armour, i had to destroy it before i got a headache. ~Damien
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I haven't start the map, there's like tooooooooo much text at the beggining and I'm already bored
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its just a forest. NO GAME! fix this
By Zem

bro just turn around
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I'm stuck on 67 i'm gonna rip my hair out. post like a walkthrough. the ten tips doesnt help i got like all of them already
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so idk how but the spawn point is like a very far ways from the actual building and I still have no idea how to enter it
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please just write a novel
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Why is there a 10 minutes conversation, it's a bit boring. You should put the conversation in a book or add it like an optional thing.
LIke we say in french "il est lent ce lait".
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its just a forest. NO GAME! fix this
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I haven't even started the map but I'm writing this like 10 mins in the intro is way too long I suggest making it optional or able to skip
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I really liked it and found it fun to play! and I also like the dialogue between the characters, it was entertaining.
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