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Diamond Dropper

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This maps not only tests your dropper skills but you also have to work out where to land. Every level is different. That's your Hint.

Good Luck

Let me know how you get on!!



2021-10-20 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: The Computer Kid
(211 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.17.1
File Size: 3.3 MB
Date Added: 2021-10-20
Downloads: 12,157
Map Category: Dropper Maps

Comments (7)
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I can't find the Diamond Dropper
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this was the most difficult dropper I have done in a long time you did a great job
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I enjoyed your map! It made me angry in the beginning then went smoothly. Anyways, here is the video link:

Keep it up and make the dropper even more stressful
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Thank you, I’m new to making maps, this is only my second. The ultimate dropper is also mine. Give it a go and let me know how you get on please and any improvements I can make.
The computer kid and TTD
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I have played your map!

This map was stressful but I was able to complete it. Took many attempts and suffering within 15 minutes of falling torture and brain trauma. This dropper even made me release my toxicity onto the playthrough. However, the ending calm myself down and was able to feel relieved from all the struggle from falling into a grow non-stop seeing "KeyDevy has fell to their death".

Here is the video:

Keep up the good work and you can make many people overcome their toxicity!
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Loved it! really fun for single player, havent tested in multiplayer!
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Hey some quick tips!

"/gamerule doMobSpawning false" will stop the mobspawning (mobs started spawning at the bottom of the map)
"/gamerule commandBlockOutput false" will stop the text chats when the commands are used

good luck with future maps!
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