A dropper map where you have nausea the entire time.
Took me about 2 hours to beat the darn thing and it only has 7 levels, as per usual on my maps.
Well if you like raging a lot then play my map :D
- You will have nausea the entire game from the moment you hit the button to the moment you finish the last level.
- There are 7 levels in total and their themes are as follows: Wool, Sea Temple, Nether, Flowers, Lavadrop, Sandstone Temple, Cave, And Alien.
- I don't know if nausea combined with fast falling through colorful rooms can cause an epileptic seizure, but just in case, *Epilepsy Warning*
- Also if you feature this map in a video it would be cool if you put my youtube in the description but you really don't have to, up to you.

2021-03-26 - Map Released.