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Map Info

This map is based on the horror game Soma. 


The main character gets involved in a car crash and barely survives. Due to the injuries, he agrees to do a brain scan with a medical graduate student Mr. Munshi, who has been working on a machine with his colleague Paul Berg. 

Unexpectedly after the brain scan, the main character finds himself in an apparently abandoned underwater facility called Pathos-II. While he appears to be the only living human left, he tries to find out what happened to everyone, and ultimately to the earth as there seems to be no way of finding out what happened on the surface. Pathos-II is completely underwater and isolated from the rest of the world.

Features and Rules:

This map uses custom sounds + texturepack!

Rules: Gamemode adventure, Brightness moody, Render distance 10, Sounds should be on a decent volume as you need to be able to hear everything (you should adjust it ingame to fit nicely)



2021-01-17 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Dopi
(332 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
File Size: 134.3 MB
Date Added: 2021-01-17
Downloads: 16,521
Map Category: Horror Maps

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