LANDS- Regions and Wonders v.3.3
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Twitch building streams
Lands is a project that I have been building since the DEMO build five years ago. The ultimate goal is to create a fantasy themed world for people to explore and enjoy. Building has constantly been delayed because "life happens", but after some breaks I've always came back to build more stuff. Potentially the building pace will increase now cause of streaming and having the proper equipment, cheers.
Brief report 'what's in my mind about the project': Method through building should be precise and progressive to all regions, towns, cities and overall structures in the map. Figuring out architecture style to each different location is important. Special buildings and structures are still where the main design effort goes to. Everything in a way should make sense, even though poking holes to some designs can be made. Influence behind the structure style becomes from experience and overall influential culture such as series, anime or gaming and sports. The project itself doesn't really have a clear goal yet and realistically the project is all about creating something. Something like guest builders have crossed my mind but this early in the whole project... I guess we'll see. Same pretty much goes to the first official download link version, 'we'll see'. -Quoting me from the early days of this project
Info, interests and map guide:
When you launch the map you'll spawn in the ParCom Island where you can travel to everywhere you want. You can play the map how ever you want. For survival there's even teleportation shacks where you can travel instantly to different places for a price. And there is a desire to extend a trading/quest system to the map that would involve the use of gold and emeralds as currency. But these systems are still in early stages. Also train (minecart) travelling costs currency, but as an act of good will first ride with the train system is free including one trial with the teleportation system. Otherwise you can just play normal survival gameplay with slightly more stuff in the environment with you. Everything is vanilla so you don't have to think about whether you would have to download mods for the map.
Quick FAQ: Do I need mods? -no. Does the map support always the newest update? -often yes, depends when the update was published. But playing the map with the newest update should be possible. Can I download the map for free? -yes. Do you use world edit or other similar tools for building? -no I only use vanilla tools. Can I use this map as x kind of world or make it into a server? -as long as the credit for the map goes to me, sure. Do you broadcast your live building? -sometimes, check the Twitch link. Shaders? - BeyondBeliefLegacy 1.16
P.S. If you actually play this map with mods or just vanilla survival and you capture screenshots of your gameplay I would be interested in seeing them! You can post them to discord (link at the beginning) I could showcase them possibly.
SETTLEMENT list: (name, size, version state, next update planned)
Crowton, city, v1+ ,v.3.3 Colestrait, small city, v1, v.3.3 Port Narsingh, small city, v1, v.4 Bridgewith, town, v1,v.4 Jag's End, town, v1, v.4 Mois Town, town, v1, v.3.3 Bourg Town, town, v1, v.4 (next to Dawaam Bur) Fort August, fort, v1, v.4 (north from Crowton) Fort Baines, fort, v1, v.4 (between Colestrait and Crowton) Hammerstadt, small city, v0, v3.3 Calwert, small city, v1, v.3.3 Dawaam Bur, small city, v1, v.3.3 Primrose, town, v0, v.3.3 Parmaja, small city, v0, v.3.3 Palace of Death, town, v0, v.3.4 (nothing here yet) Holy State, region, v0, v.4 (nothing here yet) Elysia, region, v0, v.4 (nothing here yet) Cherville, town, v1, v3.3 Barkley Town, town, v1, v.4 (between Crowton and Jag's End)
v.3 focuses: 80% capital city v1 done expanding new region prospects for building making regions more structure and design adding infrastructure
v.3.1 focuses capital city v1 done adding detailed infrastructure exploring new regions
v.3.2 focuses adding details and explanations to different systems (trading, transportation) more details to capital city, and planning starts for v2 new city added: Colestrait v1 done new town added: Port Narsingh v1 done new villages done: Bridgewith v1, Jag's End v1, Barkley Town v1 and others... huge structure addons, example 1: interior of the Crowton castle done
OFF GAME focus: making a new digital map
v.3.3 focuses new city added: Dawaam Bur v1 done new city added: Calwert v1 done cities such as Horbur's capital (Hammerstadt)and Primrose 50% done (their v1) planning starting with Palace of Death region and Forest of Gona region more details and completed villages starting work on Crowton v2
v.3.4 focuses new city added: Hammerstadt v1 new city added: Primrose v1 Palace of Death region's capital 50% done Forest of Gona region's largest town done more infrastructure and roads more work on Crowton v2
v.4 focuses Crowton v2 done Colestrait v2 50% done Parmaja v1 done Palace of Death capital v1 done starting work on Holy State starting work on Elysia work on towns and villages more details and infrastructure

2020-10-17 - Map Released.