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Note: The file for this map is very large (1.8 GB).

Map Info

You play as a group (1-3 players) of a variety of criminals, who defied the Queen and were sent into the cursed catacombs as a punishment. No one ever returned, and no one knows what's going on in those catacombs, as such, your task is to venture in with some basic equipment and survive to tell the tale.

Download Optifine


Long, epic adventure (4+ hours)
Multiplayer support (1-3 players)
Packed with both intense combat music and subtle ambience
Over 5 unique boss battles
Over 100 Custom items to find and equip
Amazing 3D models for weapons
Realistic, grim resource pack
Over 50 different sound effects
Over 50 unique enemies
7 Non-linear major locations to explore
Haunting story that will always keep your eyes open
Seemless, command block scripted events and battles
Optional challenges and areas to beat and explore
Great Optifine utilization (16+ Custom Armor sets, great variety of monsters)

Additional Info

This map has been in making for over 4 months now, expect a huge adventure out of this, if you're looking for a short experience, this isn't it, this is a 4+ hour long journey, where inventory management, Minecraft combat expertise and exploration are your key to survival.



2020-09-02 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: panR4IN
(92 votes)
Map Version: v1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.14.4
File Size: 1.8 GB
Date Added: 2020-09-02
Downloads: 3,637
Map Category: Adventure Maps

Social Links

Site Stats

Maps: 5,941

Categories: 25

Downloads: 123,360,885