Explore a temple to find your lost father and unravel the truth behind his disappearance and why you are there in the first place.
You will soon realize this place isn't what is seems. Parkour, puzzle and fight your way through this temple and unravel its secrets.
- This map only supports 1 player in Adventure mode. More players are possible but not in Adventure mode.
- Make sure your brightness is set too bright if you want to see.
- Render distance must be 10+ Chunks.
- No data packs or modes are required.
- 3 difficulty modes Easy, Normal and Hard.
- 3 boss fights.
- About 60 minutes of game-play on average.
If your gamemode doesn't get set to adventure mode please set your gamemode to adventure /gamemode adventure @p. And comment down here so I can look if there is a problem with the map.
If you do not end up In a room with a lot of signs. Use this command /tp @p 155 35 -187

2020-10-31 - Map Released.