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Operation Fix the Wall - Episode I RPG

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Map Info

Operation Fix the Wall - Episode I RPG is a singleplayer adventure map. It's stylized as an RPG and guarantees at least 3 hours of playtime, usually taking players even 6. Many of its custom features are:


"My autoclicker doesn't work!" - said every 1.8 PvPer

That's not an issue! Because with a fully different combat system you can spam the sword (but it won't do anything). Take turns, attack, use special abilities, and even turn into a ghost! All within a very easy to understand system.

Check it out here >>

CUSTOM GUIs, upgrades, weapons and more!

"I want an Emerald Sword." - said by no one

With a custom-made GUI system, you can easily equip, craft and use a variety of weapons. You can also upgrade your skills to make yourself almost invincible (you'll still die).

Check it out here >>

Additional Info

That's basically it! If that didn't convince you to download the map, then watch this very high effort trailer by clicking here.

And my Discord, my YouTube channel, my... Eh, who cares. No one reads the descriptions up to this point.


- Fixed a couple bugs that caused 2-6 to be impossible.
- Fixed a couple of softlocks in the 1st World.
- Very minor adjustments to make the map more understandable.



2020-03-06 - Map Released.

Map Details

Map Creator: Peeter100
(122 votes)
Map Version: v1.1
Minecraft Version: 1.15.2
File Size: 17.3 MB
Date Added: 2020-03-06
Downloads: 5,320
Map Category: Adventure Maps

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