From the creators of Mario Kart in Minecraft comes another racing map! This one's free of copyrighted material and is intended to release as an official Minecraft Realms map. Sprint Racer isn't just a simple copy/paste however-- this map has many new features, optimizations, and improvements that make the experience tighter. It's far more streamlined and polished than MKMC ever was.
- Map supports any number of players (1 to infinity)
- Played on Minecraft: Java Edition 1.19.3 or later
- Resource pack is required to play (included with world download)
- en_us ----- English
- fr_fr -------- Français
- zh_cn ------ 中文(简体)
- ko ----------- 한국어
- lol_us ------ LOLCAT
- Race Mode: Race to the finish on a linear track
- Battle Mode: Fight in an open arena for the highest KO count
- 40+ race tracks, 15+ battle arenas.
- Map contains an easy-to-use track editor!
- 20 unique items. Every item also has an upgraded "enchanted" variant.
- You can race or battle against computer-controlled zombies. They move, pick up and use items, take shortcuts, and compete just like a human player can. You can have up to 9 of them.
- 19 music tracks.
- The soundtrack is creative commons. You'll hear from a mix of artists under the Argofox label as well as the works of the super talented ZetaSphere! Permission was given by both parties. Music can be turned off if desired.

2019-10-27 - Map Released.
Updated for Minecraft 1.12.2, re-vamped the tutorial course, and fixed lots of bugs.
- Updated resource pack to work on Minecraft 1.19.3
- Added new tracks
- Added new music
- Overhauled the in-game HUD
- Fixed many bugs
v1.4.0 / v1.4.1:
- Re-modeled the lobby
- Added new tracks
- Added new music
- Added "save states" for saving game configurations
- Improved Battle Mode gameplay
- Text is now localized via resource pack
- French translation included
- Simplified Chinese translation included
- Supports current Minecraft versions Item balancing has been improved (now more consistent, competitive, and fun)
- Added 21 new tracks Added a custom track editor
- Added "Time Attack" mode
- Added a soundtrack (creative commons, courtesy of ZetaSphere and Argofox)
- Added cheat codes
- Various other additions...
- Various optimizations...
- AI is smarter
- Fixed a comical amount of bugs